Thursday, May 3, 2012

1 month old!

Its hard to believe it's been a month already! It's gone by super fast and I can't imagine life without him already. We are getting along great. James loves him and is a big helper. Eli is such a laid back baby and has made the transition pretty easy also. I will say, it takes a lot longer to get out the door these days, but that doesn't stop us! I am not a person that can just sit at home so me and the two boys have been going to the grocery store alone since week 2! You gotta do what you gotta do! We have been to the park once and on a couple walks. We play outside in the backyard about everyday and have also been trying out some more fun "toddler activities" from pinterest. I really feel like I am doing what God made me to do and I love it. I don't want anyone to think that we have sunshine and roses everyday..there are definitely difficult and boring days! I love my weekends when Mike is home to help out and I love the evenings when we go to grandma and grandpas house! We are so blessed to have such great parents that live so close and want to be part of the boys' lives!

Eli's stats this month:

-Weighing in at 9.8 lbs. He's grown 2 lbs since birth! He is so long and so little it's still hard to believe he's a month old. I don't know if I forgot how little James was or if Eli is just so long he is such a string bean...sorry buddy, welcome to the rest of your life (at least you have a daddy that went through the same thing and can help you out!)

-Eli measured 20 3/4 inches at birth and then 22 1/4 inches at his 2 week appointment. Obviously he didn't grow that much in 2 weeks, so they didn't quite measure him correctly at the hospital. It made more sense when they said the longer measurement because he seriously is so long! We knew he had to be longer than James was because the newborn outfits are too short on his legs and they weren't on James. Eli's fingers and feet are so long and looks like big paws on a puppy.

-Wearing newborn clothes still. He is too long for a lot of outfits but he still doesn't fill out most of them either. Like I said...he's begun the fun part of being tall and going to have fun finding clothes!

-Isn't a big fan of the binky. I've tried a couple different kinds and he just gags on them. There are certain times of the day (mike says he takes it for him pretty well in the morning) but most of the time he just wails if you try to give it to him...he wants the real thing!

-Sleeping 20 hours of the day. Eli sleeps a lot more than James ever did. He is starting to have longer and longer wake times during the day, but he is out a lot. At night it's a little different though. He's gotten on to a better schedule. He goes to bed around 10:30 and gets up at 1:30/2 and then at 5:30/6. Which is really pretty good, but I have to be up for an hour with him each time. He has acid reflux I think because I lay him down and he's choking unless I burp him for half hour. I remember I had to burp James for 10 minutes or he would do the same thing. But 10 and 30 minutes are quite a difference!

-He has gotten to be a lot better of an eater. For the first two weeks he would fall asleep right when he got on me! I was always trying to wake him up. I'd put him on and he'd drink for a couple minutes and fall asleep so I'd take him off and he'd cry so I'd put him on. He was also very impatient with the milk. He wouldn't just suck and wait for my letdown. He would like play around and back his head away and whine until I had a let down and then I was spraying him in the face. So I was trying to get him on while my shirt is getting all wet! Let me tell you..I am glad that is over :)

-Eli does really well with tummy time. He lifts his head and turns it from side to side and will stay on his tummy for a good half hour. I even let him nap on his tummy when I am right there watching him because it seems like he almost prefers it to his back.
-Just in the last couple days he's starting to look at our faces and just stare into our eyes. It's so cute. I've checked to see if he's tracking yet and he hasn't done it, so probably within the next couple days he'll start doing that. I love all the milestones!

I took this picture later in the day and I thought he looked so much older with his stripes on. So cute!

Here is our adventure yesterday with bath paint. James helped me make was super easy. He didn't really paint on the tub walls like "you're suppose to". He just dumped it in the water and played in it with the spoons. The muffin tin and spoons ended up being more of a hit than the paint! :)

James loves the mower..he wanted to help Uncle Grant mow

We are busy around here! But I love every almost every minute of it! :)

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