Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lions, Tigers and bears!

Long overdue, I know. That's why I am combining posts. I can't seem to get one written these days. I use the boys nap time to take a nap myself! And although it's very needed, it makes the day really short when the list of  "to-dos" only continues to get longer.

To say we've been busy is an understatement. I have so many things I need to write about and don't want to make this a novel! I will try to keep it short and let you see all the pictures!

First off, Eli turned 14 months. He is such a funny little guy. Love him more everyday. He is so adventurous, loud, and outgoing.

Here's what he's been up to:

*Great sleeper. Not waking up at night at all. He goes to bed at 7:15 and sleeps til 6:30. 2 naps a day still and he looks forward to them. He lays down right when I put him in the crib and can barely stay awake while I sing "Jesus loves me" one time.

we start them on coffee young! jk

*Great eater. He loves to use his own fork and does a great job stabbing the food and getting it in his mouth. He's so independent. I of course still feed him most of his meal, but it helps keep him busy to give him a couple things that he can eat with his fork.

*Still not talking. He signs please and started to do thank you yesterday, sometimes. He's so funny because he will rarely do it on demand and he won't even attempt to try and do some of the others I've shown him (milk and more) but then thank you he did right away yesterday. He definitely has a mind of his own. He still points to himself when he wants something. And there is never a question if he wants it, he's a squealer.
*CLIMBING everywhere. up on the tables, on the chairs. I'm waiting for the day he's out of his crib.

*Loves his outside car. He could be pushed in it for hours.

*Has started bringing me books to read to him.

*SO smiley

*loves bubbles.

*Will walk to the bathroom and make a pooping sound like he has to go to the bathroom but when you put him on the toilet he just starts crying and won't go. And then usually goes in his diaper. So I guess it's good he knows he has to go, now we just need him to learn how to go on the toilet! :)

*still working on the biting. He will do it when he's laughing or mad. He thinks it's funny and a game. or a good way to get back at James if he takes his toy. Hopefully this phase will end soon!

*Loves mommy. hugs. sloppy kisses. ever since Mike and I were in NY he has had trouble letting me leave the room. It's gotten better as the weeks have passed, but it was traumatic for the first week back!

*Very determined. Loves to figure things out. Loves buttons. Strong. Loves music. Has learned to love to swing!

In other news...Mike and I got to go to NYC! We wanted to travel somewhere for our 5 year anniversary because with baby #3 on the way we knew it would only be getting harder and harder to get away! Long story short, we decided to go visit Mike's sister who lives in Manhattan. We've wanted to see her place for awhile and thought this was the perfect time to go. So we left the boys with my parents a couple days and Mike's parents a couple days! We had such a great time. You'll notice in the pictures it was rainy and cold the entire time we were there...but atlas we didn't let it stop us from seeing the sites. Mike hadn't ever been and we didn't know when we'd be back so we ventured out and walked miles and miles with our umbrellas!

walking to our show on Broadway

of course, the show was amazing. our favorite part of the trip!

the new world trade center building was beautiful

Statue of liberty. Hopefully next time it won't be so yucky out and we can take the ferry to see it.

Little Italy. It was so neat how the area changes from one culture to the next in a block!

canoli in little italy. yummy.

The bull. (and I know my shoes look big with my tiny ankles. I was worried about comfort, not style..thanks :)

Brooklyn Bridge. so windy.  but really neat.
Grand Central Station. some one was getting married at the time. kinda cool.
We had a great time on our trip. As you can see...we did a lot of walking! I was 9 weeks along in my if you have been there before you probably know how nauseous I was the entire time. So the food part of the trip (usually my favorite part!) was not a highlight this time. But we got so spend some time with Jenna, see some great sites and have some time together!

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day. We are so blessed to live around so many great men. We were able to see most of them yesterday. We first gave Daddy his card. I asked James to answer the questions and these were his responses. So cute. 

Then we went to my grandma's house and we celebrated my grandpa and Dad. Two men that have been such great examples to me and continue to be for my two boys.  We finished the day at Mike's parents house and got to see Russ, Mike's dad. The boys love to play with his tools and I'm sure they will learn to work hard with him someday soon! I can't say enough how great it is to have such Godly examples for my boys. I pray they grow up to follow the Lord and become husbands and Dad's like the ones that have filled my life. 

Here is a picture from Father's Day with the boys in their matching outfits. Of course they can't be looking in the same place..but at least we have 2 good smiles!!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer and finally the warm weather!! Hope to be back here with another post soon!