Wednesday, March 21, 2012

38 weeks

We are getting close! But Eli must be pretty comfy in there. My body is getting ready for eviction..I am at 3 cm this week, but Eli is holding on tight. We'll see if he waits 2 more weeks for my due date in which we will force him out. I have my induction scheduled for April 2 at 5:30 am.

We had a great weekend and I have some fun pictures to share. It actually started Wednesday night because Ali and Lux came in town. James and I had a great time hanging out Thursday and Friday. We got to meet Lyndi for lunch on Friday and got to introduce Ali to some yummy GUP food! SOO good!

Saturday my sisters and mom and I went and got pedicures! My mom took us for her birthday! We had a great time and it felt so good to sit and relax. So now my toes and nails are done..ready for labor and delivery :)

Saturday we also decided to be festive and make some St. Patty's day food. We went to Trader Joes and got the ingredients for reubens. They were super good. I got some pictures..not pretty ones, but I had to get a couple just to remember them. 
My family is super bread conscious, so they were opened faced sandwiches..with the option to put another slice on. We toasted the bread, put the beef and cheese on and broiled those and then everyone could dress their own with sauerkraut and thousand island. So that's why you just see part of the sandwiches.

We also decided to try out a pinterest recipe for a strawberry cake for my mom's birthday. Ali and I took the reigns on this one and it turned out to be quite the detailed instructions. Long story didn't turn out like the picture. The frosting ended up being too heavy for the cake and it started to collapse! We had to cut the cake in 4 pieces and then put the pieces in 9x13 pans. So we had strawberry crumble for my mom's birthday. But was a delicious disaster. Just a reminder that pinterest ideas don't always turn out exactly how you had in mind! Here you can see what it's suppose to look like and how my moms is in a couple piles in a 9x13 pan.

So after the pedicure and all the baking we did..I started getting contractions Saturday night. Not bad ones or even regular ones..until Sunday. They were about 4 minutes apart for a good 25 minutes. My mom was excited that Eli might be born on her birthday. So she wanted to get the process going. We went on a walk to try and keep them going, but to no avail. They slowed down and then completely stopped later that night. I did get my bag packed though, so we are ready for him at any time!

Yesterday at Mums we went around to different tables with activities. One of the tables was "rainy day activities". It got my preschool days side going and I decided to try finger painting with James. I had pinned a recipe on pinterest for "edible finger paint". It's just flour, water and food coloring. I knew James wouldn't be entertained for long with it because he doesn't really like to even get his hands dirty, but since this recipe wasn't a lot of prep work we jumped in. He had fun. He liked to pour the bowls out onto the plate and then wipe his hands on his belly. I am also glad it was edible because he decided to use the spoon to taste test. After about 5 minutes he was ready to be done, so I added a couple more drops of food coloring to the plate and he enjoyed mixing the colors together. I think we got a good 15 minutes out of the activity. Here are the pictures I took.

It's still raining today and maybe tomorrow! I am ready for the sun to shine again..and so is James! He is so tired of being inside already, we had to eat our snack outside under the little overhang on the deck today just to get some fresh air. He asks every other minute to go play in the sand or on the swing though so I hope the clouds part soon! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Should we be posting our feet on the internet?
