Saturday, January 21, 2012

15 months

So I am about a week late..but it's better than never :) I seem to be able to get one post out each week. Things are going well in the Scheffert household. James is learning something new everyday and Eli is getting bigger and more active! I went to the doctor on Tuesday and heard his heartbeat. It was in the 150s so that was great. Not so good news though..I failed my glucose test! I couldn't believe it. I scored 166 and your blood sugar has to be below 140. oops. big fail. So now I have to go tomorrow and take a 3 hour test. I have had to eat a candy bar a day for 3 days at the same time and then fast from midnight tonight thru the completion of the test. They prick me 4 times and I have to pass 2 of them. I am praying it was a fluke that I failed because I swear I don't think I could eat much healthier and I already workout 4 times a week. I mean, of course I indulge in a sweet treat close to once a day..but it's not like I'm eating junk the rest of the day. So we'll see. Praying for a good outcome.

I have been feeling great though and I have worked out more consistently this time around than I did with James. I worked out when I was pregnant with him, but once the summer came I know I took all of June off and then throughout the summer went pretty irregularly. With Eli I have been in the gym 3-4 days a week though. I asked my dr if I have gained less this time around because I had looked back at pictures and I look smaller. She said at 26.5 weeks I weighed 169lbs and when I went in the other day at 28 weeks I weighed 160lbs. So that's pretty good. I started 10 lbs lighter this time, but I'm 2 weeks farther into my pregnancy too. So yeah!

James is 15 months already and so much fun. He has learned a couple more words, animal sounds and signs. He loves to dance to music and has picked up when we think something is funny he will laugh too. It's so cute. Here's what he's up to:

-Animals/sounds he does: horse, monkey, elephant, lion, giraffe, sheep, alligator, fish, cow, mouse, cat, dog, snake, car, firetruck

-Words he says: Mommy, daddy, no, ball, banana, deer

-Signs: eat, help, all done, more, drink, water, cracker, peanut butter, (shakes his head yes/no), ouch, bell, raisin, hot

-Still 2 naps a day for about an hour each. Sometimes only 40 mins each..those days are long :)

-Eating great! He loves to try new things. He likes mushrooms, green pepper, olives, baby tomatoes...not normal, right? :) But he eats everything we eat. I buy him some gerber chicken sticks and pastas for lunch when we don't have leftovers or when it's too spicy for him. He isn't a fan of spicy yet. The other night I gave him a bite of our enchilada casserole thinking "oh this will be great for him. It's rice, beans and shredded chicken." He took a bite and said it was hot and started crying. I felt so bad!

His new thing is to come tell me "help please" and then reach for my finger to drag me where he wants to go. It's nonstop :) He has also gotten a little used to mommy being around because it seems he prefers to grab my finger rather than daddy's. I think he might have a little wake up call when Eli gets here!

He loves to read though. He will go through his book basket and bring you one by one to read. He loves grandpa tim to read him books especially because he is so good at the animal sounds. He will sit on your lap and listen to some books 5 times in a row. He keeps us busy :)

UPDATE: Well it's not really cuz I didn't find anything out yet. I had my blood drawn today and sat in the lab for 3 hours today to find out of I have gestational diabetes, but they don't tell me the results. I have to wait for Dr. Cada to call me on Monday to tell me. Dang..more waiting. :)

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