Thursday, December 15, 2011

keep on keepin on

James turned 14 months on Monday, the 12th. My Dad's birthday. It scares me because once he is 18 months (to the day) we'll have another baby here. That's in 4 months! Yikes..that will be here before we know it. It makes me so excited..I can't imagine having another little one to love on as much as I do James. It scares me because I hope this next baby is as easy as James was/is (usually!) :)
Speaking of which..last time I wrote about how he became such a finicky eater overnight. I was getting frustrated because he wasn't eating much or getting much protein. I continued to offer him everything we eat and changed up some of his snacks. Tried to not give as many snacks before meals. Offer one food at a time during meals. Bring back some old foods (chicken sticks, made by gerber..he loved them awhile ago and I had stopped buying them because I thought he was eating pretty good and would just eat with us. Well I brought these back and he loves them..yeah protein!) It's all been working pretty well and he's eating again!  It does help to use his favorite "cars" or "clifford" plate and fork and he'll feed himself for a couple bites and then let you feed him a couple bites. I'm just happy it's not a huge hassle anymore! That was a short phase, thankfully.

Other things he's been up to this month include-

*Loves animals and continues to learn different animal sounds. He's doing kitty, dog, fish (face), tiger/lion/bear roar, giraffe (tongue), elephant

*Starting to climb. Yesterday he climbed up onto a folding chair all by himself. He gets so proud and stretches his arms up in the air as if to say ("look mom, no hands!") and wants me to say, "soo big!" It's so funny and cute.

*Saying a couple words more purposefully: nana (he'll see a banana at the grocery store and say "nana?" like, "I would like to eat that now please!") mommy, da, and baby. It's so cute when he says baby. He will point to my tummy and say "beebe", and then lay his head on my belly like he's giving baby a hug. adorable. Aunt Ali gave him one of Lux's baby dolls yesterday so he can practice holding baby.

*Still using his signs consistently. He really loves to say please..he thinks that means he automatically gets whatever he's asking as long as he says please. He's also signing raisin. He made up his own sign for raisin, but it's always the same so we use it. He also changed his sign for 'more' but it's consistent too.

*Loves balls and trucks. He loves the baseball, football and basketball picture in his room and points to them over and over so I can name them. He loves to play with his football and throw it to you. He loves his truck too and will make the truck sound as he pushes it around the room

*Still taking 2 naps a day, usually for about an hour each. And sleeping from 8pm-7:30am

*Daddy has used the buzzer on his hair a couple times now and the past 2 times he hasn't minded it at all. Well now he's seen daddy cut his own hair and so now when we go downstairs James wants to get the buzzer out and wants me/daddy to "buzz" his hair. He puts it up to his hair and says "please". It's hilarious.

He's communicating so well. It's fun to know what's going on in his brain and watching him figure out what I'm saying too. Growing up fast!

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