Friday, April 13, 2012

He's here!

 Introducing our family of four!

A week and four days ago already. Eli Timothy made his entrance quite quickly, but definitely with some resistance. We went into the hospital at 5:30 on Monday and I was 3.5cm dilated. They got a baseline of his heartbeat and got the pitocin started by 6:30. At 8:30 they broke my water and at 9:00 I got my epidural. I was only 4cm at this point. I was hoping I would move along faster than that, but we waited around. My grandma came up and we played cards and we watched our lovely educational videos about breastfeeding and shaken baby syndrome. Around noon my mom, Ali, James and Linda joined us and I was at 6cm. Cada had joked earlier that I could plan on having lunch-meaning that I would have Eli delivered and be down in my postpartum room by noon! Well that didn't happen so my family was discussing if they should leave so James could take a nap and then come back in time for me to deliver. Well at 12:30 my nurse said my contractions were speeding up so she said they should wait and they'd check me at 1:00. I was 9.5cm! So they stayed and the nurses set up the room for delivery. I pushed 4 times (1.5 contractions) and he was out! Both my mom and Mike's mom were in the room this time for delivery and they couldn't believe how easy I made labor look. They put Eli up on my chest and I got to hold him before they cleaned him up ( I didn't get to do this with James because there was mecconium in my amniotic fluid so they had to check his lungs right away and make sure they were cleaned out well.) Because Eli dropped so quickly in that hour his face was pretty bruised, but other than that he looked perfect.

First pictures with Eli...

Overcome with emotion by his two sweet.
James wasn't entertained with all the picture taking

We had taken a vote on the weight of Eli. Most of my family thought Eli would be smaller than James, but there were a couple that thought he would be bigger. Linda and Jenna guessed he would be 8lbs 2oz (same guess even though they are 1/2 way across the country from each other. crazy.) My mom guessed 7lbs 1oz, I guessed 7lbs 10oz, Lyndi guessed 7lbs 6oz, Ali 7lbs 5oz and Baily 7lbs 7oz. And the verdict was 7lbs 8oz. So everyone was pretty close but no one guessed exactly right. Well my aunt colleen claims she guessed 7lbs 8oz, but I can't remember her saying I guess the prize goes to her!

Eli was 20 3/4 inches. So he wasn't much different than James. James weighed 7lbs 13oz and was 21 inches long. It's so funny because I think each day they are looking more and more similar. I'll have to post a picture of them side by side.

Eli is doing well. Some nights are better than others of course, but he is such a sweet boy. He sleeps, eats and poops. Not much fussing. He cries when I change his diaper because he's not a fan of the cold air, but otherwise you don't hear a peep from him. James is also adjusting well. He's a proud big brother. At first he wasn't sure what to think. He didn't want Eli too close and was a little ornery in the hospital, but now that we've been home he loves to give Eli kisses and is always asking where Eli is and what he's doing. So sweet.

A friend of mine, Julie, from lifegroup, had her baby the same day as I had Eli. She has a little boy, Zach, who is 5 months older than James. And on Monday she had a little girl, Alyssa. So we got some sweet pictures of the boys with their new siblings..

                                                   Julie and I holding each other's babies.
                                                                   Proud big brothers!

Mike has been such a great help. He stayed at home all last week to help with James and this week he's been coming home by 3:00. James and him have had some good bonding time while Eli and I took our naps! :) I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and two sweet boys. I couldn't have asked for a better transition from a family of 3 to 4 or for a sweeter more perfect baby. I am so excited to watch us grow together as a family. Thank you so much to our wonderful friends and family who have helped it go so smoothly. Whether you took care of James, brought food, visited us in the hospital or kept us in your prayers. We are so grateful we are surrounded by such great support. We love you all.

Going home from the hospital!!


Here are some of the professional pictures that were taken at the hospital..The password is anoh402scheffert. They will  only be up til April 16th.  They turned out pretty cute. Thankfully I had showered when the picture lady came by..Mike on the other hand had not. So he's not a fan of those shots :)

We also did a photo shoot with a friend of ours this past Saturday. Abby did an amazing job. You have to check out her work on her facebook page. She has posted 4 of them and they are so adorable. I will share more of them once I get them!

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