Wednesday, March 7, 2012

36 weeks!

I went in for my Dr. appt today excited to see if Eli has made any progress since last week and a couple questions for my Dr..I swear the week couldn't come fast enough! The appt went well. I was still 1.5cm but almost completely thinned out. So I haven't dilated anymore (yeah!) but there was still progress. So Eli is just going to keep us on our toes! Mike and I decided to schedule the induction for Monday April, 2. That way if he's not here by then at least we have a date set and will have some sort of plan. I also asked my Dr. if it was okay to continue to have sex even though I am dilated. Mike was worried it would cause labor to start and we don't want Eli to get as smart and big as he can before he comes. She said there is nothing that proves sex causes labor to start. I was really surprised by that because I've heard that greasy food and sex can get ya going! She said the only thing proven to work is nipple stimulation and they don't like to tell people that until 38 weeks. So I thought that was a fun fact..maybe a little too much info for some of you non-preggo people :)

In other news..James and I have been having a lot of fun lately. I have some pictures to post of him and I also have some cute ones of James and my belly. He will point to my belly when we ask where baby Eli is and he asks to see my belly and then gives him a hug. It's precious. Although a little embarrassing when he asks my grandma to see her belly and then wants to see my belly when we are in front of other people!

       Hugs for Eli
This picture is at 35.5 weeks. Beautiful day for my birthday! Which I forgot to mention. I turned 29 last Friday! I can't believe it's my last year in my 20s. It's been quite the decade. I have learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and been truly blessed the past couple years. I am so excited for Eli to join our family and make it even more fun. I had a wonderful birthday although I had way too much food and was 3lbs heavier on the scale at my appt this week! Oh was all soooo good!  On Thursday two of my friends (who are also stay at home mom's and we help each other stay sane every Wednesday with a play date!) brought me Chipotle for lunch. We had a great time eating on the deck and letting the boys run around. It was so refreshing to have the sunshine and get some fresh air. A little taste of spring! Friday I went to lunch with my mom, sister, brother and grandma at Five Guys. It's a burger place downtown and I had wanted to try it. It was really good! The burgers are delish and the Cajun fries were pretty good too. Then we went to Red Mango for a little treat..yum, my favorite! Mike took me out to dinner to Lazlos, a local restaurant that we both enjoy, and then to CherryonTop! I had a coupon for a free yogurt and it had to be used on my I had a lot of food that day! Eli was doing somersaults! :) Mike and I also stopped at Target because I got a gift card from my we had fun shopping around! Mike was such a good sport and patient while I found some sunglasses and a new essie nail polish!

 Saturday we enjoyed a "better than sex" cake that Lyndi made with my extended family. We had fun opening presents and the cake was SOOOO good! :)

And the last day of celebration was on Sunday. My mom always makes dinner/lunch and the birthday girl/boy gets to choose the menu! So after church we had steak, cheesy hash brown potatoes, and my favorite pasta salad. Yum..the 3lbs I gained were totally worth it. I am so thankful I live so close to my family, and that James is so close to both sets of granparents. Thank you for everything you do!

Here a couple more of James that make me laugh!

He asked to get up on the bed and wanted the computer on his lap like mom.

He loves to be pulled around in his wagon. This time he wanted his balls with him. (Mike is using a towel to pull it because the handle is so short!)

James loves Lux

And has a new obsession with hats! :)

He can't get enough of the decaf mocha smoothie my grandma brought over. He seriously could have finished the whole thing! I don't know how he didn't get a brain freeze.

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