Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eli is ONE!

My baby is no longer a baby!! It's been a year already. So hard to believe. There has been a lot of craziness, but a lot of fun too. I am so blessed to have two amazing little boys.
Here's what's new this past month:
- 33 1/4 inches, >97% and 22lbs, 75%. Our pediatrician today told me that he sees 18 month olds that height. So he's a good 6 months ahead of schedule on the height department. Not surprised, he's wearing 18-24 month clothing.

Not a big fan of the basket this month, again.

Just had to bribe him with food!

-We cut his hair last month and it was so much blonder underneath! He did a pretty good job sitting there for his first haircut (daddy did it of course). He looks so much older with it short!
-Sleeping through the night! He goes down around 7:30 and is up around 6:30. Yes, I have two early risers, but what can you expect when their parents are up at 5am. This little boy loved his binky. I could put it in his mouth and he knew it was nap time..and would be sleeping in 10 seconds. Well yesterday he became a big boy and I took the binky away (I have been dreading this day). Surprisingly, yesterday was a success! I didn't have anymore trouble than any other day getting him to sleep for his naps. Bedtime took 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds..but he still slept through the night! So I can't complain. Today it's been more like 30 minutes until he finally gave in. It was like he was saying, "Mom I can forgive you for not giving me my binky yesterday, but two days in a row is unacceptable." So he gave a little more fight today, but it could be worse. I think he'll adjust pretty quickly. A fun fact from the doctor today, he said that taller babies sleep at night better! I thought that was really interesting. He said they maybe have more glycogen stored up so they sleep better. I don't know if that is scientifically proven, or just from his experience, but interesting nonetheless.
Eli is always moving!!
-Eating has slowed down a bit. I think this is due to the fact that he wants more table food so he just gets tired of chewing, but he still eats six times a day so he's getting plenty of food! He loves his sippy cup.
- He will sign "drink" over and over until he gets it. He tries to also use the sign for drink to get other things he wants. Figures it works sometimes, might as well try it more! He is doing really well with "please" too. But that's the extent of his signing so far.
-His personality is really shining through. He lets you know when he knows what he wants. He is quite the screamer. When we are outside and he wants down he will not quit until he's down. (I can't wait til he's walking now that it's nice outside so he doesn't scrape up his pants and shoes!) He is so funny because if James takes something he was playing with he will squeeze his fists together and scream and then look at me like, "what are you going to do? He took my toy!" Eli is a go getter and not hesitant at all. He can be pretty laid back as far as his schedule goes (his morning nap time gets moved around a bit with all we have going on) but as far as getting what he wants..he's not going to change his mind as quickly. He is an explorer and climber. I think I might have my hands a little bit more full once he is completely walking!

-Although he is a go getter he still hasn't switched over to walking. He will cruise around the furniture and take 3-4 steps if something he wants is close by, but for the most part he is crawling. I think he wants to keep up with James and he can't walk quite fast enough to do that yet. Plus he is soo tall it's just a lot more to coordinate. He is really close though it won't be long.
-Such a cuddle bug. I love it! He gives me kisses on the mouth and lays his head down on my shoulder and will give me a hug when I ask for one. SO sweet. Can't get enough of it.
-LOVES balls and playing catch. Starting to show a little more interest in books. He will throw one at me and want me to read a couple pages before he's off to the next thing. LOVES music and will bounce to the beat.

-4 top teeth and 2 on the bottom

-Not talking much. I think he says Momma sometimes, but not consistently. He says, "bababa" and "yeahyeahyeah" but that's all that's recognizable. 

We are looking forward to the nice weather because these boys LOVE to be outside. We are in for a busy summer!! James started swimming lessons last week. They went really well for the first one. He was kicking, learning arm movements, jumping off the side, practicing getting his face wet and back floating. I am in the water with him for the first couple of lessons and then it will be just the teacher. Can't wait to share all the pictures!
We also had a wonderful Easter. We got to spend time with both families. The boys got way too much candy, but they had a lot of fun looking for the eggs. I will try to get those pictures up soon too!