Tuesday, July 17, 2012

21 months

James is always going. And it's usually "out. shide" He is so funny. Always learning and amazing me. His vocabulary is amazing and he is also pretty physically advanced too! Alright, enough mom bragging. Here's what he's up to..

*Taking 2 naps still. Takes one around 10-11:30 and 3:30-5. It's great when both boys are napping!!

*Talking all the time. He's just recently been attempting 2 words together and 2 syllables. "firetruks" are his favorite. And he can now tell you that his cousin, Lulu lives in "roar-ha", he lives in "link" and his aunt Jenna lives in "new yor". It's hilarious.

*Loves water. If I need 20 minutes of him being content just let him play in water. He loves getting soaked. Washing the car, playing in the hose, the pool, the lake, watering the plants..any of the above will do!

*He is on day 8 with only 2 total potty accidents! He is doing so great! I have still been putting on a diaper at nap and at night, but his diaper has been dry during nap for the last couple of days so I'm hoping we'll be done with the nap diaper soon!

*Loves the phone. He loves to watch the videos, look at the pictures or use the Spanish flashcards. I have been using it as his motivation to go on the potty. It works pretty well (except when he wants to go potty 4 times in 30 minutes just to see the videos!) But at least he's going potty! I set the timer for 2-3 minutes each time and when the timer goes off he's done going potty.

*Great eater. loves treats..popcorn, cookies, especially chocolate (oops I might have eaten a little while he was in utero!) A couple things he's not a big fan of..guacamole, yogurt, and anything too "picy" (spicy)!

*He had his first Dr. visit for an injury!! Friday July 13! Mike had decided to stay home thankfully.
I had James on my back and I was holding on to his arms around my neck. We were galloping to the bathroom. When we got there I grabbed his arm to bring him around to the front and I heard a pop. I was like, "uh, yuck." He started whining and then crying and wasn't calming down. I knew something was wrong, so I lifted his arm and looked at his wrist and asked him to move it and he couldn't. He wasn't moving his left arm at all. It took me a couple seconds to realize his arm was limp and it clicked in my head...his shoulder was dislocated! So I take a look, but I don't see the dislocation, so I called the Dr and told him what I thought was wrong and asked if we could come in. They squeezed us in between patients and Dr. Wilman fixed it right up! He even thought it was dislocated pretty good! He said it took a second to go back in. Thankfully he's so sweet and told me it happens so easily and showed me how to fix it next time! (I don't know if I could do that!)
James did great.. He of course was crying the whole time. He hates going to the Dr. let along being in pain. But after it was fixed he said bye to Dr. Wilman and said, "treat?" He remembered he got a sucker the last time when he was finished with the appt. Him and his photographic memory!

I don't know how both injuries, his tooth and shoulder had to happen with me! But I am sure it's not the last of them! He's all boy and always going. I love him so much!

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July!

We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! We had a great turn out at our house which made for a lot of fun and a lot of yummy food! I won't go on and on about it..I'll just show you the pics!
Mr. Smiley

family pic minus Eli
                 Lifegroupers-Michaela, Adam, Julie and Dustin (just a grouper not a lifegrouper)!                      
Michaela and I are patriotic!
Ben, Joel and Amber
James couldn't wait any longer to get in the pool.
The door opened and he made a beeline!

random picture. They are not a couple and it's not either of their baby!
full house..gotta get nice and close!
watching the fireworks!

I hate how I don't know how to place the pictures! If I add a caption it moves the pictures around and I can't get them back to where I originally wanted them to go. So sorry it's always so random as to where the pictures are placed!

You might have noticed..James is in big boy panties in one of the pictures!!! It's been about a week and a half now that we've been trying it out again. When we first started he was having probably 3 potty accidents a day but now we are down to 1 sometimes 2!! He is doing a great job. He loves to watch the "home videos" on my phone while he sits on the toilet! He the videos motivate him to want to go and then if he goes potty he gets 1 M&M! He is still wearing a diaper at nap and night time, but a lot of times the diaper is still dry after nap! So happy it's going so well. Such a big boy!

Mike has been home the rest of the week and we've had a lot of fun. We went to the zoo yesterday and are going to the pool today! Hope you had just as much fun! Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 months

Eli was 3 months old yesterday! Hard to believe. He will be crawling before I know it. Talk about busy! It's been so much fun this last month with Eli starting to show his little personality. He is quite the talker and so sweet. He is always smiling and just loves to coo back and forth with anyone willing to! I could do it all day (if I wasn't chasing someone else around!) :) We are having a lot of fun this summer; trying to stay cool since James loves to be outside at all hours!

Here is what Eli is up to:

*Wearing 3 month, some 3-6 month clothes

*Eating every 2-3 hours

*Sleeping through the night! The past week he has been going to bed around 9:00 and sleeping til 6:00! It's been awesome. Today he slept til 7:15. He is a great sleeper! He is taking 4 naps during the day. Usually a pretty long one in the afternoon while James is sleeping (the only time he gets peace and quiet!) I just let him lay on me while I am on the computer. It's our time together alone. I love it :)

*Doing really well with tummy time. He's holding himself up on his arms and looking all around. He'll lay like that for about 10-15 minutes before he's tired. He hasn't rolled over again (he did a couple times at like 6 weeks but hasn't since). But I would think that will be any day now!

*He loves his play mat. Just laughs and coos at the animals hanging in front of him.

*Loves bath time and the hairdryer, just like James did

*Likes to be outside, but can get overstimulated pretty easily and gets a little worked up if he's tired

*Snores when he sleeps

*Can sit assisted, doing a pretty good job of holding his head up.

*Loves to watch James play. He laughs and just watches him moving all around.

We are excited for the 4th of July tomorrow. We are having our family and our lifegroup over. It should be a good time. Plus Mike is taking off the rest of the week! We will have some great family time. Looking forward to it! Happy 4th of July!!