Tuesday, November 15, 2011

13 months

James turned 13 months old a couple days ago already! He is growing up so fast. He amazes me everyday. His new facial expressions, motor skills, behavior and language developments. It's fun to see him change each week.

What he's been up to this past month:

*pointing with pointer finger rather than his hand

*signing consistantly: more, milk, all done, please, cracker. Still working on bathroom (using it as a means to tell me he has to go) and also working on 'thank-you'

*puts his hands in the air saying, "what?" or "I don't know"

*makes the funniest scowling face if he doesn't like something or doesn't understand it.

*apparently learned to crawl onto a chair and then onto a table..I got called over the speaker yesterday at the YMCA because he had fallen off the table he had crawled on in the childwatch area.

*taking a morning and afternoon nap, each an hour long.

*sleeping from 8pm-7 or 7:30. the time change messed him up for awhile. He was waking up at 6! But he's gotten back on schedule.

*Understanding 90% of what I say

*Loves to take a shower with daddy

*Eating a lot more table food and supplementing with baby food. He's such a good eater. It's so funny because if somone is eating he runs over to them and signs 'please'. He'll go around the table and make sure he gets some of each person's plate. I heard that what mommy eats baby will really like. Well, it's true. I ate lots of dessert :) James LOVES cake and ice cream.

*He loves to read too. He will bring book after book to you and say, "please". And you have to read it at least 3 times before he is done.

*wearing size 18-24 months clothes

*Definately testing mommy and daddy when they say no. And at the end of the night when he's tired he will go from one "no" thing to the next just to be onery. He does a pretty good job of listening usually, but he does like to test to see how serious/consistant we will be.

*I put some cool whip on his high chair tray yesterday to see if he would like the texture and want to play in it. NOPE. He kinda swirled it around with a spoon I gave him. And he touched it and then looked at his hands with his scowl face like, "what do I do now?" I guess someday his wife will appreciate he doesn't like to be dirty :)

I have a couple other pictures I want to post, but they are on the camera and I don't want to run upstairs yet..so here is one I took today of him on my phone. It's kinda blurry, but still so cute.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November already..

I feel human again. Which means I now have the urge to clean, eat, sleep, read blogs, do laundry..and even update my blog! I feel productive again! It's such a good feeling. For awhile at the beginning of my pregnancy's I swear I could sleep for 24 hours and still be tired.  I don't care that there is clutter everywhere, I wait til the last minute to do the laundry and I am in a horizontal position any moment I can. And this time I was nauseous up until 12 weeks. I would feel sick and need to eat and then I'd eat and get indigestion. So I just felt sick no matter what. So glad that's over!
I still took a nap yesterday, but I feel so much better. It's so much more fun being pregnant when you feel yourself! :) I even got to feel baby move a couple of times last week. That's one of the best parts. This is why I loved being pregnant so much. From now up until about week 36 when I'm huge and just ready to get baby out and meet him/her.

Speaking of...him/her? We are going to find out..we just have to wait longer than I should have to! My next dr. appt is Nov 22 and I'll be 20 weeks...we would get to find out. But Mike says, "just wait another month and put that bill on the next year's deductible" ugh. understandable, but not fun. So I am going to push my December appt to Jan 2 (or as early Jan as I can get in!). So we won't know til next year! I am still trying to figure out a fun way to announce it to everyone. I feel like another party is a little bit overkill, but it was so much fun. I seriously don't want to just have the ultrasound tech tell us and then go tell our families individually. So I gotta get to researching and find a fun way to do it that isn't as over the top. Who knows..maybe we'll just throw another party. I love to plan them! :)
James is getting so big! It's amazing how smart he is. He can now sign "milk,cracker,all done, please, more, and bathroom." He doesn't quite give me the bathroom sign when he has to go to the bathroom, but if I say "mommy has to go potty." or "Daddy's in the bathroom" He will do the sign. . He will randomly give me the bathroom sign and I"ll go put him on the toilet, but only once has he actually gone. But I am hoping we are on our way to potty training! :) It just melts my heart when he comes up to me and puts his arms in the air and then does "please" because he wants up. It's so amazing how much is going on in his brain already.

He also learned how to drink out of a straw. So funny. My grandma comes over to visit us about once a week and she will bring my favorite, a scooters Iced Mocha smoothie with her. James became interested in what I was drinking and was so determined to taste it he sucked it right up. And after that...there was no stopping him! I had to pinch the straw so that he didn't drink my whole smoothie! It was decaf..so don't worry I'm not getting him addicted to caffeine quite yet :)

I can't believe we are 2.5 weeks away from Thanksgiving. I'm so excited. I love the holidays. So much family time and such good food. I feel so blessed and I have have so many things to be thankful for.